Teaching and Research Staff

Georgios Stefanou , Professor, School of Civil Engineering, Office Phone: 2310995532, e-mail: gstefanou@civil.auth.gr 

Cognitive Domain: Structural Analysis and Dynamics of Structures and Earthquake Engineering Applications Stochastic Analysis (static and dynamic) of structures using finite elements, Numerical methods on stochastic procedures, multiple scales of non-homogenous materials and structures, stability of structures, Reliability Analysis of Structures.


Triantafyllos Makarios  , Associate Professor, Director of the Institute., Office Phone: 2310995532, e-mail: makariostr@civil.auth.gr

Cognitive Domain: Structural Analysis and Dynamics of Structures and Earthquake Engineering Applications


Andreas Kampitsis Assist. Professor, Diploma (MEng) Civil Eng. N.T.U.A. 2009, PhD Civil Eng.
N.T.U.A. 2014, e-mail: akampitsis@civil.auth.g


Web page: –
E-mail: akampitsis@civil.auth.gr
Phone: –
Contact Hours: (θα οριστούν στο άμεσο μέλλον)
Office: 5th Floor, Faculty of Engineering Building – Edron Building (Building Code: 09)

Academic Titles:
Diploma (MEng) Civil Eng. N.T.U.A. 2009, MSc Civil Eng. N.T.U.A. 2011, PhD Civil Eng. N.T.U.A. 2014

Research Interests:
Numerical Methods on Structural Analysis and Dynamic Analysis; Advanced Numerical Methods;
Dynamic Analysis and Design of Offshore and Floating Structures; Dynamic response of Structures
with Vibration Control Systems and Antiseismic Protection; Multiscale Computational Fluid
Dynamics; Multiscale modelling of heterogeneous materials and structures.

Undergraduate: Numerical Methods in Structural Analysis Ι; Numerical Methods in Structural
Analysis II, Elastoplastic Analysis of Structures; Structural Analysis I.
Postgraduate: Computational Mechanics for Earthquake-Resistant Structures (ASTE02)